Systems or Components?

Keep Dry as a Mallard

EIFS “manufacturers” are system integrators and brand managers. Acrylic resins, fillers, pigments, cement, coated glass fibre mesh, sand, insulation and other system ingredients all are purchased.

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A Versatile Panel

The vented and drained cavity formed by the RainScreen Panel™ can be used for applications other than EIFS.

Rubble MasonryMasonry veneer. Many types of stone used for veneer make construction of an unobstructed cavity behind the veneer difficult. The usual solution is to use a rigid fibrous panel to fill the cavity and support the veneer until the mortar has set. Another solution is to place pieces of rigid plastic foam insulation intermittently in the cavity, to be removed after the mortar has set. Neither solution is entirely satisfactory. Fibrous insulation provides drainage, but allows water to bridge the cavity and restricts ventilation. Intermittent supports still leave mortar bridges across the cavity, and sometimes are so difficult to remove that they are left in place. The RainScreen Panel™, placed against the primary insulation provide drainage, ventilation, and, pressure-moderation — as well as support for the veneer during construction.

Other cladding. With other cladding materials, pressure-treated wood strapping is sometimes used to create a cavity. Korax panels offer a simpler, but equally effective alternative. For cladding other than stucco, the Panels placed nibs-out and inverted, covered with building paper and wood or vinyl siding would provide a drained pressure-moderated cavity, and add thermal resistance to the wall.

The RainScreen Panels™ are made from aged Type 1 Polystyrene board. Although made primarily for use in EIFS, they might well be used for subgrade drainage adjacent to foundations, or for ventilation under pedestrian traffic surfaces over inverted roofs.

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